
Seven posters presented at IBIS2016

November 28, 2015

We presented seven posters, including co-authored, at the poster session at IBIS2015 (The 18th Information-Based Induction Sciences Workshop)(external link). The workshop was held on November 25-28, 2015 at the Tsukuba International Conference Center.

We received a lot of feedback, and are now polishing them up with a view to having them selected for a top conference.

Four posters on approaches with a view to service applications:

  • 分散表現に基づく劣モジュラ最適化を用いた文書要約
    Hayato Kobayashi, Masaki Noguchi, Taich Yatsuka

Two presentations of topics our interns are working with us on:

  • 重み付きグラフに対するマイクロクラスタリングの拡張とオークションデータへの応用
    Tomoya Yamazaki (Graduate School of Infomatics, Kyoto Univ.), Nobuyuki Shimizu, Hayato Kobayashi, Satoshi Yamauch

  • 非線形テンソル学習手法の高速化とYahoo!ショッピング購買金額予測への適用
    Heishiro Kanekawa (Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Nobuyuki Shimizu, Hayato Kobayashi, Yukihiro Tagami, Taiji Suzuki (Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

One presentation of joint research results:

Yukino Baba (Kyoto Univ.), Nobuyuki Shimizu, Sumio Fujita